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Maná’s Very First Market: My Journey

"You will enrich your life immeasurably if you approach it with a sense of wonder and discovery, and always challenge yourself to try new things."

- Nate Berkus

Starting Maná is a dream come true, a vision that had been brewing in my mind for years. Rooted in my heart and anchored by my most personal value: connection, love, joy, family, creativity, consciousness, the list goes on…! From the moment the idea took root, I knew it would be a journey filled with challenges, learning, and immense satisfaction. I also knew Maná’s first market would be a significant milestone, marking the transition from concept to reality, but it’s not until I paused for a moment to reflect that I realized this milestone needs to be celebrated.   

The journey began with the preparation phase that was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. There were countless details to attend to.

  • Product Development - Ensuring that every product was of the highest quality, from sourcing ingredients to perfecting recipes.
  • Branding - Designing a logo, creating packaging, and establishing a brand identity that would resonate with our target audience.
  • Logistics - Organizing transportation, setting up a stall, and ensuring we had all necessary permits and licenses.
  • Marketing - Spreading the word through social media, local advertising, and word-of-mouth to ensure a good turnout.

Each of these steps required meticulous planning, reaching out for help, working with my Maná family and a lot of hard work. There were late nights spent fine-tuning details, early mornings dedicated to production and weekends that were filled with Maná duties.

The day of the market arrived with a mix of excitement and anxiety. I remember waking up at 4:30 in the morning unable to sleep and finding myself walking my dog on the shores of Comox Valley watching the sunrise. Being in nature, grounds and aligns my thoughts to my heart center – a haven for any insecurities that show up. Arriving early to the market with the support of my son and husband to set up our table, we were greeted by a flurry of activity as other vendors prepared their spaces. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the promise of a bustling market day.

Setting up the tent and table was a process. Every product had to be displayed attractively, the signage had to be clear and eye-catching, and the space had to be inviting. As the market opened, the first few customers trickled in, and my heart, our hearts, raced with anticipation.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the day was interacting with customers. Seeing people react positively to our products, hearing their feedback, sharing their stories and engaging in conversations about Maná’s mission and values was incredibly fulfilling. Each sale felt like a validation of all the hard work that had gone into bringing Mana to life.

My husband and son were incredible pillars of support throughout the entire day. They were there with me from the crack of dawn, helping to set up and ensuring everything was in place. Their presence provided not only practical assistance but also emotional support, making the experience even more special. They stood by my side, sharing the highs and lows, and their encouragement was invaluable.

On the first day, just as we were settling in, it began to rain. Initially, it felt like a potential disaster, but it turned into a memorable part of the experience. We quickly adapted and our tent protects our products. Despite the weather, the market's spirit remained unbroken, and customers continued to visit. The rain ended up being a bonding experience, as fellow vendors shared tips on making markets a success regardless of the weather and offered words of encouragement.

Being around like-minded people was one of the highlights of the market. The camaraderie among vendors was heartwarming; we shared stories, exchanged advice, and supported each other. The generosity and kindness of other vendors, sharing tricks of the trade, made me feel supported every step of the way. It was a community effort, and the sense of belonging was profound. My Maná family had expanded!

Of course, the day was not without its challenges. There were moments of doubt when foot traffic slowed, managing my son has he struggled with his emotions during parts of the day, learning to use technology quickly, and times when logistical hiccups presented themselves. One that stands out is, at the last moment we realized that there was no sign indicating that Maná products were made with tree nut oils. Marty (my husband) ran to his truck, grabbed what he could and made an improv sign. Although it was simple and not very pretty, it did the trick! All in all, each challenge was a learning opportunity, teaching valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, working together and the importance of staying calm under pressure.

As the market day ended, exhaustion mingled with a deep sense of accomplishment. We made our first sales, connected with customers, and gained invaluable insights into what worked and what could be improved. Packing up our table, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the support of my family, the feedback from our customers, and the camaraderie of fellow vendors.

Reflecting on Maná’s very first market, I am filled with pride and optimism for the future. The journey was challenging but immensely rewarding, providing a solid foundation upon which to build. Each market, each interaction, and each step forward are a testament to the vision that started it all.

Maná’s journey is just beginning, and I am excited to see where it takes us. The first market was a milestone, a learning experience, and a celebration of what’s to come. Here’s to many more markets, many more customers, and a future filled with growth and success.

Always in discovery,



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